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Buying goods and services
Lesson 30 / Lição 30 -   Comprando bens e serviços
Exercícios propostos
1) Complete os diálogos abaixo com algumas das palavras usadas durante esta aula.
Hello Johnson! I need to                a new bookcase. Can you show me something?
Yes, Sure. Which color do you prefer?
I guess a  white one would be great.
Okay. Here it is! 
How much                 ?
It is $74,25.
Cool! I will take it. 
May I help you miss? 
I'd like to buy a new purse, please.
Okay. Here                      !
                           are they   ? 
They are $25 each.
I'd like to see your best watch,  please.
Follow me. I will show you some.
How much does the black one                 ?  
It is $400.
Can you guys lower the                  a bit? 
Sorry. We can't.
Can you                   a one hundred dollar bill for me?
Sorry . I don't have                     for that
So can I pay you with a business credit card instead?
Yes, you can. 
2) Descubra a função de cada pessoa com a ajuda das dicas abaixo.
a) The person who buys the merchandise.
Who is this?
b) The person who sells the merchandise to the customer.
c)The person who receives the payment on behalf of the store..
d)The person who manages the store.
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